

New cooking blog!

watermelon salad recipe published on TDAC
Yeah! At last, I have opened a new blog where I will exclusively share my illustrated recipes and lunchbox ideas. It is called "méli-mélo cuisine"

Another recipe recently published on TDAC website you will find in this new blog:

I thought it would be better to separate my crafts and work from my cooking. So I have also created a new Instagram account, melimelocuisine

If you want to join me, please follow this link and make sure you sign up to receive the new stuff by email!

It is still a work in process and could undergo some modifications in the next few weeks:)

Thank you!!!

He decidido abrir un nuevo blog para compartir mis recetas y las lunchbox que le preparo a Tristan cada día. Se llama "méli-mélo cuisine"

He pensado que era mejor separar mi trabajo/craft de mis experimentos culinarios, así que he creado también otra cuenta de Instagram, melimelocuisine.

Esto acaba de empezar así que supongo que iré aportando modificaciones durante las semanas que vienen.

Muchas gracias!

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