

Big changes are coming

We have been living in the UK for almost 7 months now! Lots of changes for us as a family, for Tristan (the language and the environment), for Damien and for me (professionally and socially).
There have been tough days but the balance is very positive and we are globally happy to be here.

The last three months i haven't been present online (sorry!) because i have been thinking a lot. Way too much. Indeed, since i wrote my creative manifesto, i did not really follow it:(
After the release of my first newsletter, i totally lost my motivation. I had no energy for whatever related with the blog and my creative projects. I have been doubting and thinking. And at last i have been acting.

Tristan is 19 months-old now and despite the fact is getting more and more independent, he is still demanding 99% of my energy and time. I love it that way and wouldn't change anything but i desperately need more creative time for me. I need it like breathing. That's why i am trying to figure out how i can do it and still be the mum i have chosen to be for Tristan.

I have been reading, writing and i am now in the process of planning. Planning the two or three years ahead. Creatively speaking.
 It sounds crazy but since i can't work more than one hour a day (if i'm lucky), i need to have small objectives planned. I need to organize every baby steps i will have to take to be fully prepared when Tristan will go to school (if he ever goes...but that's another story!). Because i have chosen to make a living with my creativity and i want to succeed.

So, yes! i will be back soon, as active as before. But there will be changes. Probably in the way i lead the blog and in the kind of work i do. Yes there will be more newsletters (more often but shorter and clearer).

For these changes to happen i will need YOU. I will tell you soon why and how you can help.

Thank you for being here despite the silence of these past months and for your interest in what i do. Without you my work has no meaning.

PS: a photo of Tristan to leave you with a smile


Watermelon and feta salad: illustrated recipe

The idea of this recipe was found some time ago on Alisa Burke's blog, and since then it's one of my very favourite salads in summer. So fresh and yummy!
I'm trying different styles for my illustrated recipes and i'm having a lot of fun. I particularly like how this one turned out.


Aubergines en gratin: illustrated recipe

A favourite recipe at home since my sister made it for us, 18 months ago, when she helped us for Tristan's birth. 
I made it to my father and her wife when they were here in May and now they always cook aubergines this way.
You have to try it, it's delicious! Easy and no tons of oil involved to cook the aubergines...