The creative team is back again after a few weeks of holidays!
Today we start with Alexandra, who shares with us one of her project life in 52 pages:
One of the most versatile méli-mélo stamp, used here with a printed quote.
How neat is it? Love.
And the cactus stamp (...very popular in the US actyally!)

Alexandra also used the vintage tag stamp, from the new winter collection.
One of my favourites! I plan to use it a lot this winter:)
These two méli-mélo stamps are basic essentials that one can use over and over again!
Available in my Esty shop! Along with the Christmas collection:)
Thanks Alexandra for this page.!
If you have never seen Alex's yearly 2014 in 52 pages project, you should check it out!
She always shares tips and insights on her process, and because of its simplicity it looks like a feasible project for the ones who like the idea of a project life but feel intimidated.
This format is pretty clever and looks great in an album!
Muchas gracias Alexandra por esta página!
Todos los sellos utilizados están disponibles en mi tienda Etsy o a través de mi blog.
Si no conocéis aún el proyecto "2014 en 52 páginas" de Alexandra, corred a visitar su blog.
Empezar un Project Life es a la vez atractivo e intimidante por el amplor del trabajo. Pero con el formato que ha elegido Alex, y su presentación sencilla parece totalmente factible.
Ojala os inspiréis!
1 commentaires :
wow! que chula la página! los sellos resaltan un montón con esos colores!
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