

Scrap contest "best of my summer" starts today!

Después de mucho pensarlo, el concurso de scrap "lo mejor de mi verano" ya está en marcha!
Tienes dos semanas para preparar un proyecto con los mejores momentos de tu verano y subirlo a la galería de la página FB del taller méli-mélo.

I am happy to announce that the scrap contest "the best of my summer" is officially launched!
You have two weeks to create a project on your summer and share a picture on my FB gallery.

Todos los detalles de participación y premio en la misma página! Tendrás que hacerte fan si todavía no lo eres...

Venga, ¡animáte!

The rules are in Spanish, but basically you have until the 10th of October 2013 to upload your participation. Then, there will be one week for the public to vote. The project with more votes will be the winner. And the prize is a set of 10 méli-mélo rubber stamps to be chosen among various designs (Christmas designs are excluded).

You don't want to miss it, do you? (you will have to be fan of my page if you're not yet!)

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alexandra s.m. a dit…


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